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[TS] Símbolo de expansão Roxo!!! (Repostagem com link arrumado)
 [TS] Símbolo de expansão Roxo!!! (Repostagem com link arrumado)

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Posts: 434
Registro: 23/01/04

Postado em: 26/08/06 13:23
Surgiram rumores na MTG Salvation dizendo que alguns cards de Time Spiral terão seus símbolos de expanção roxo! Porque isso? Nínguem sabe, mas pelo que li serão algo como "cartas bônus", segue o link do fórum Salvation.

Não sei nem o que pensar sobre isso, mais roxo?! Porque raios roxo? Não podia ser marrom, amarelo, laranja, qualquer coisa... Sei lá.

Mil descilapas pelo outro post, pequena falha de ctrl+C e ctrl+V, o link já está correto, por favor moderadores, deletem o outro post.

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Postado em: 26/08/06 13:25
poxa de novo ¬¬, ja vimos seu BELO senso de humor ontem. e vc posta a msm coisa hj de novo ¬¬.

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Registro: 23/01/04

Postado em: 26/08/06 13:27

Agora o link está certo, custa muito abrir?

Editada em: 26-08-06 13:27:27 por Fireball.


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Postado em: 26/08/06 13:33
hahaha ru tinha acabado de ver isso no UGmadness(piadinhas xD)

Acho muito estranho isso mais fazer o que ne...a piada retrata o que eu penso hehehe


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Postado em: 26/08/06 13:34
Uhm, interessante...

Seria algo parecido com isso:

link interessante: Clica aqui...

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Registro: 26/01/06

Postado em: 26/08/06 13:35
O link ta certo mesmo!

Será q isso eh sério?
As cartas serão: comum, incomum, rara ou premium?
Eu naum duvido pq eles vivem inventando coisas novas, entaum, vai saber neh.. Mas Premium? e roxo ainda? ¬¬


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Postado em: 26/08/06 13:42

num e premium e bonus xD


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Registro: 20/01/03

Postado em: 29/08/06 15:58
Here are my two theories on the purple cards... people have said some similar things, but not quite the same. Mostly it's just putting together clues from a lot of different places mixed with a dash of common sense.

1) The Purple expansion symboled cards are token cards.
There's been plenty of speculation that TS will include some sort of world effect along the lines of a "time shift". That is to say, maybe enchantment/instant/effect cycle of cards that put the entire state of the game into "the future" or "the past" which would tie in to e.g. a creature card that would feature different stats/abilities based on the "time state of the world", not unlike flip cards. In fact, there was an article about the development of the Kamigawa block (I believe it was in the fat pack booklet) that discussed how the whole "flip card" concept originated as a "night/day" concept (where other cards in the block would influence whether it was currently "night" or "day" in the world and these cards would be different based on the state), but they couldn't quite work out the mechanics and it didn't quite fit the theme of the blocks that well. But that sounds like it clicks perfectly with both the theme and story of the TS block.
But they just used the flip card concept, and it would be somewhat cheesy to break it out again so soon. And as someone with a similar theory pointed out earlier in this thread, the concept of the purple cards being a Pokemon-style "evolution" sideboard dealwould be a techincal nightmare as far as the wording and logistics of the rules. But why does it have to be so complicated? Have a creature be, for example, a 2/1 red creature with first strike and an ability like "When [time shift is in future state] ~this~ leaves play and a 1/2 blue token creature with flying comes into play. When [time shift returns to past] sacrifice that token and return ~this~ to play". It's already a mechanic that's been seen throughout Magic. And the purple cards? They're just neat & shiny representations of those specific token creatures, much like they did with the Marit Lage avatar token card
they gave out at the Coldsnap pre-release tournaments.
This theory fits a lot of the evidence: They're not really legally playable cards in any sense, so they need to be set apart in some way from the rest (hence the purple expansion symbol). They're not actually part of the 301 cards in the block, they're very much "bonus" in the sense that they're not required for play but some people might enjoy collecting and using them, and they'd even be a way to showcase some alternate art without it being totally pointless. And since they're all just tokens, their own rarity can be identical - a token connected to a rare card could be just as common as the token connected with a common card without throwing the rarity balance out of whack. And the decision to use the color purple is something that just screams "this really has nothing to do with your traditional black/silver/gold rarity indications" as well as serving as an indicator that this isn't a card that gets played or included in decks in the traditional fashion.
The only evidence I've really seen against it is the playtest card with the rarity symbol. While it's certainly conceivable that they included them just for the playtesters to get the feel for the token swapping mechanic, it certainly wouldn't be necissary, not to mention that the card with had a mana cost, which a token wouldn't have. But again, for all we know, the symbol on a playtest card might just be an internal indicator for them that "This card will have a related bonus card", or might have nothing to do with the purple symbol altogether (it could be internal code for "rarity to be determined" or "card that potentially might not be included in the block" or any number of other things)

2)The purple cards are reprints
Before you skip over this theory saying "30 people have already said that", I do have something to add. Because of the whole "time warp" flavor of the block, reprints are certainly a possibility, if not probable. But how cheated would players feel if a significant chunk of this cool new set was devoted to cards they've already seen before? Solution? Have the reprints be a "bonus" tacked on to the set in addition to the 301 new cards, with a new rarity to set them apart. So what about the whole balance of "will my bonus card be Akroma or Daru Lancer?" Simple. It will be Daru Lancer because there is no Akroma. Or any other rare or uncommon, for that matter - all the bonus cards will be commons.
"WHAT?!?" a hundred readers cry out in unison. "Why on earth would they bother reprinting crap and leave out the good stuff??" Hold on, I didn't say there would be no Akroma in TS, just that it wouldn't be a bonus card. I firmly believe that all the big, bad, *drool* reprints won't be reprints at all; rather, they'll be new, "time altered" variations of the old favorites with, for example, different colors and different abilities, while still retaining the "spirit" of the originals you all know and love. This would mesh beautifully with the potential storyline and flavor of the block (imagine something like past Akroma locked in battle with future Akroma, or some crazy Terminator 2-esque Karn - "I used to be an evil golem, but this time around I'm a good guy").
Even so, why bother with jamming a crapton of commons into the block, then? Well, for one thing, with them bringing back a bunch of old mechanics (likely with new twists), wouldn't it be nice to have some additional sliver/merfolk/storm/morph cards to go along with the new ones? The most common thing I said while playing the little bit of Coldsnap that I did was "wow, this card would probably be fun if I had some more of [whatever type/mechanic] to go along with it. And indeed, we see they couldn't even really do the Coldsnap precons without reprinting other Ice Age cards to go with the Coldsnap. They're definitely apt to learn from the past... and bonus reprints are something that could have been added very late in the development cycle without mucking things up.
And it makes sense with the numbers that have been floating around... 121 commons, and 121 reprint commons.
And this tactic makes sense from WotC's standpoint too... why drive people to the secondary market looking for cards to make a new uber-Sliver deck, when that money could be going into WotC's pockets instead? Don't overlook the demographic of new Magic players (I started playing at Mirrodin, so I don't have a binders and boxes full of Onslaught/Legions/Scourge/etc to have fun combining with the new set).
This theory fits the playtest a little better - since the card was a reprint, and since it makes a lot of sense for Wizards to test interaction of TS with the older cards as well, given the shared mechanics, to ensure that a new card doesn't expose some horrible brokenness with an old card or vice-versa. Not to mention the whole "inter-block consistency" development mantra.

Font: Salvation

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Postado em: 29/08/06 16:16
Falou em Roxo, Púrpura, Telletubbies e afins, o noGAYra já aparece.

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Registro: 31/01/06

Postado em: 29/08/06 16:32
me deparei com isso na salvation hj

Welcome back to Dominaria. Teferi comes again from the phyrexian invasion that scourged Dominaria.But Teferi is not the only one who returns to this set: more than 100 sorceries and creatures from previous sets come with him.
Time Spiral is composed by 402 cards: 121 commons, 80 uncs, 80 rares, 101 reprints and 20 new lands.
Four theme decks get back slivers and some cards veteran player will remember from old sets. Choose your colors and get into the endless spiral!

esses 101 cards são reprints...=D

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Registro: 05/11/05

Postado em: 29/08/06 18:00
Bom, não sabemos se esse site da devir se baseou num rumor do tamanho da coleçao, ou se pegou direto da wizards.

Eu gostei da teoria dos tokens, seria legal se em cada booster viesse um token com símbolo roxo no lugar de uma comum, e duas num deck

é provável q sejam alternate arts de cartas comuns, coisas assim :S

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Registro: 05/01/06

Postado em: 29/08/06 18:50
fazendo uma mescla das duas teorias...

as roxas podiam ser cartas reprints que já tão fora do t2...

quando o negócio ali fala em "uber-sliver" deck, eu fiquei pensando... "hm.. mas e se existisse uma mecânica de jogo que quando tal coisa acontecesse, vc pudesse permutar uma criatura c/ uma carta roxa?" ja q ele fala da mecânica da qual se originou os flips de cards de kamigawa...
um exemplo: vc tá c/ 3 fractius novos na mesa, e um alado reprinted de lado... acontece a tal mecanica, troca 1 dos novos pelo alado, e voìla... seus fractius voam :P

seria legal..


edit: ah! sem falar q seria legal ver cartas antigas c/ o novo design das cartas atuais.. hehe ^^

Editada em: 29-08-06 18:52:05 por alias69.

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Registro: 15/08/05

Postado em: 29/08/06 18:52
vejam bem, relançamentos são otimos, tirado aquelas merdas que existem a 13 anos como merda.
agora, essa converça me lembrou que a umas duas semanas, aqui na arkana em ssa, apareceu um guri com um patrono dos nezumis, borda branca e com um pegaso aviadadp no lugar do shuriken e em espanhou, achamos que era fake, arranjamos um outro patrono pra dá ao guri, e rasgarmos o dele pra ver se era azul dentro. e resultado ERA AZUL DENTRO, ai então uma cara falou que aquilo era uma edit especial espanhola, alem do mais já tivemos coisas como chornaicles(é assim que escreve?) então eu adorarei os cards roxos, tirando o roxo é claro.

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Postado em: 29/08/06 18:57

Fornecido por uma fonte de muita confiança de um moderador da Salvation: Hidrokinesis


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Registro: 18/01/04

Postado em: 29/08/06 19:38

garanto q todomundo vqai intende esse texto....
hehehe brincadeirinha
explica resumido ai kra em portugues ...


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Registro: 25/05/04

Postado em: 29/08/06 20:39
ta...mas eses cards reprints vão poder usar no t2?

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Registro: 24/11/03

Postado em: 29/08/06 20:58



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Registro: 26/03/04

Postado em: 29/08/06 21:24
To esperando pra ver se vai dar pra usar no t2, duvido muito. Saga de urza tem muita comum broken, e não só ela, outras séries também. Mesmo assim reprint vai ser na minha opinião bobagem pra fazer a gente pagar mais pelos boosters. Que fizessem ciclos de lands alternativos como os de UNH ao invés disso, ver só terreno bonito ia ser legal.


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Postado em: 29/08/06 22:34
os simbolos roxos são reprints.. está é a unica justificativa logica

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Registro: 04/07/05

Postado em: 31/08/06 10:28
Não sei se alguem já postou antes, mas saiu no site da Wizards:

Time Spiral features 301 cards, with randomly-inserted premium cards. All cards are tournament legal. The set includes 121 commons, 80 uncommons, and 80 rares. It will be available in booster packs, theme decks, tournament packs, and Fat Packs.

O total das cartas de Time Spiral dá 281. Some com 20 reprints e dá 301. Ou seja, não tem nada de quatrocentas e poucas cartas...